Growth Removal

If you have moles or cysts that have become uncomfortable or worrisome, Complete Family Dermatology offers growth removal at our Lincoln, Nebraska practice and its satellite locations.

Common growths such as moles and cysts are almost always benign and can develop anywhere on the body. These benign growths are important to be aware of as they can result in irritation, discomfort, cause unnecessary anxiety, or turn cancerous. The experts at Complete Family Dermatology can remove these growths through a variety of methods.

To learn more about how you can benefit from growth removal performed by Dr. Geoffrey C. Basler at his Lincoln, Nebraska practice, and by Brent Behrens, PA-C and Brian Herbin, PA-C at CFD’s satellite offices, please contact us today. To better serve patients throughout Southeast Nebraska, we have offices in South Lincoln, East Lincoln, North Lincoln, Northeast Lincoln, Beatrice, Blair, Crete, Falls City, Fremont, Geneva, Hastings, Nebraska City, and York.

Removal of Moles and Cysts

Removal of Moles and Cysts

Moles and cysts are distinctly different types of benign growths, therefore the methods of removal are also fundamentally different. A cyst is a pocket of tissue surrounded by a thin capsule filled with pus or other material. It generally occurs as a result of clogged sebaceous glands (oil glands) or the presence of foreign material, such as an earring. Cysts commonly appear on the face, scalp, neck, or back. They usually feel like a small pebble beneath the skin. Cysts do not resolve without treatment, often grow larger, and may eventually rupture causing significant discomfort and inflammation. As a result, surgical removal of the cyst may be wise and necessary.

Moles are clusters of melanocytes, which are the cells that produce skin pigment. They can take form in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes. They are usually not a cause for concern as long as their appearance does not change significantly over time. To remove a mole, Dr. Basler can use the shave excision technique. This procedure involves removing the mole perfectly level with surrounding skin. If a mole is deeper in the skin, it can be excised from the skin completely. The resulting wound is closed with stitches.

Itching, bleeding, or changes in the color or shape of moles can be indicative of Melanoma – the deadliest form of skin cancer. It is important to consult a dermatologist if you observe any of these characteristics.

Dr. Basler has extensive training and experience in the care of Melanoma. Should a mole be found to be a Melanoma, Dr. Basler will discuss the appropriate treatment plan to assure the best outcome.

Fatty Tumors

Fatty Tumors

We also treat fatty tumors, or benign lumps that can develop between your skin and muscle. Most people develop a solitary lipoma. However, some patients grow multiple lipomas primarily on their forearms or thighs. Although these growths can vary in size from a pea to a baseball, they can often be removed through a very small incision and heal quickly. Depending on their size and location, removing fatty tumors can be of great benefit.

Learn More about Growth Removal

Moles and cysts are examples of very common benign growths. However, there are a number of situations where it is advisable or medically necessary to remove them. The skin specialists at Complete Family Dermatology can help you decide if a growth should be removed and, if so, how to ensure the best results. To learn more about how growth removal at our Lincoln, Nebraska practice or its satellite locations can benefit you, contact us and schedule a consultation.