Maintain Your Health with Total Body Skin Examinations
If you have numerous moles or other lesions and have noticed a change over time, it is important that you undergo a total body skin examination by our dermatologist. Familiarizing yourself with the characteristics of a potentially cancerous skin development can be very beneficial, but it is no substitute for having regular checkups by a reputable, experienced professional. Dr. Geoff Basler MD, Brent Behrens PA-C, and Brian Herbin PA-C provide general dermatology checkups at our Lincoln, Nebraska office and our satellite offices serving Nebraska City and Beatrice. We also have offices in York, Geneva, Hastings, Fremont, Falls City, Crete, and Blair. If you are in need of a checkup and are interested in establishing a regimen of annual visits to a dermatologist near you, please contact our office today.