What to Know about Rosacea

by | Apr 6, 2021 | Rosacea

According to the National Rosacea Society, as many as 415 million people worldwide have rosacea — but most of them don’t know it. When diagnosed with rosacea, a high percentage of patients knew little to nothing about the chronic skin disease prior to their doctor’s visit. The signs and symptoms commonly get confused with acne or a sunburn and are left untreated. In this blog, we’ll discuss seven things you need to know about rosacea so you can take better care of your skin. 


Tips for Taking Care of Rosacea

  1. Watch Your Eyes – Red, burning, and itchy eyes are common signs within patients who develop rosacea. Sometimes irritated eyes are the first signs that indicate you might develop this skin disease. At some point, more than half of the people who are diagnosed with rosacea suffer from an eye problem. If you notice any eye problems, you should schedule an appointment with an eye doctor. By treating eye problems caused by rosacea early, it can help prevent future issues with your eyesight. 
  2. Avoid Your Triggers – A trigger is anything that causes your rosacea to flare-up. Your skin can get triggered by foods, skincare products, and even the outdoor environment. Some common triggers include sunlight, stress, heat, alcohol, spicy foods, hairspray, makeup, wind, cold, and exercise. However, not everyone has the same triggers, so it’s important to learn what yours are and avoid them. Here’s a more extensive list of rosacea triggers.
  3. Properly Care for Your Skin – With the diagnosis of rosacea, your skin will become very sensitive. The simplest misstep can make your skin irritated. It’s important to wash and moisturize your face every day, wear sunscreen year-round, choose rosacea-friendly skincare products, test skincare products before putting them on your face, and lastly… just be gentle with your skin. 
  4. Practice Sun Safety – While everyone should be practicing sun safety, people with rosacea must be extra careful when outside. In a recent survey by NRS, 80 percent of rosacea patients experienced a flare-up after spending time in the sun. It only takes a few minutes in the sun for the skin to be triggered. Not only should you be wearing sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher every day, but you should wear a wide-brimmed hat, avoid the midday sun, and seek shade whenever possible. 
  5. Be Selective with Makeup – Remember when we said makeup is on the list of common rosacea triggers? It’s very important that you choose rosacea-friendly makeup for your skin. Here are some tips to make you look and feel at your best; use a green-tinted primer (with sunscreen in it), an oil-free foundation and concealer, and an antibacterial foundation brush. Go for gentle and neutral color tones, and avoid heavy applications and waterproof makeup.
  6. Flare-Ups Can Be Frequent and Unexpected – Even if you avoid your triggers and properly take care of your skin, you can still have flare-ups often and unexpectedly. If you do have a flare-up, it’s best to stay calm as stress can cause more irritation. 
  7. Talk with a Dermatologist – While there is no cure for rosacea, it can be treated and managed to keep the flare-ups at bay. By talking with your dermatologist, you can receive expert advice and care for your specific case. Be open to asking questions and following the advice that your dermatologist gives you. The more resources you have, the better you’ll be able to take care of your rosacea. 


Schedule an Appointment with Us

Leaving your rosacea untreated can lead to a more severe and intrusive condition. At Complete Family Dermatology, our dermatologists are here to help treat and manage any skin condition that you may be facing. We have the expertise and knowledge to offer a wide range of dermatological services like skin cancer treatment, skin reconstruction, acne treatment, skin aging treatment, growth removal, and checkups. To schedule an appointment with us in Lincoln, NE, please give us a call at 402-423-1111.

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