
Dry Hands from Hand Washing?

Dry Hands from Hand Washing?

Hand washing is so important these days but, as we all know, it can leave your skin feeling dry and itchy. Make the time to protect your skin from life itself and put on moisturizer each day. It only takes a minute or two, but it will leave you with benefits that last! If you do not know what type of moisturizer is best for your hands or are experiencing overly dry or itchy patches of skin that don’t seem to be helped by moisturizer, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at 402-423-1111. Dr. Basler and the team here at Complete Family Dermatology – located in south Lincoln – would be more than happy to help get you on the road to beautiful skin!

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Differences Between the SPF Levels

Differences Between the SPF Levels

During the winter months, the weather gets colder and the humidity drops. This means that your skin loses moisture and can get dry or painful. If you do not know how to keep your skin soft and moisturized during this time, you could even end up with cracks or scabs in your skin. If you struggle to keep your skin moisturized, or with dry skin in general, here are some of the top ways of keeping your skin healthy during the winter.

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5 Skin Tips for the Winter Months

5 Skin Tips for the Winter Months

During the winter months, the weather gets colder and the humidity drops. This means that your skin loses moisture and can get dry or painful. If you do not know how to keep your skin soft and moisturized during this time, you could even end up with cracks or scabs in your skin. If you struggle to keep your skin moisturized, or with dry skin in general, here are some of the top ways of keeping your skin healthy during the winter.

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Why Moisturizing Is So Important

Why Moisturizing Is So Important

Whether you have dry, oily, or combination skin, moisturizer is an excellent product to incorporate into your daily skin care routine. Moisturizer can help keep your skin hydrated and refreshed. As we age, the oil glands that keep skin healthy begin to lose their power, making it to where they create fewer oils.

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