What Is Rosacea?

by | Nov 15, 2019 | Skin Care

If you have noticed your face is red, and you haven’t gotten a sunburn recently, you may be suffering from rosacea. This skin condition most often affects your facial areas, such as your forehead, chin, cheeks, and nose. However, it can occasionally show up on your head, neck, or chest areas.


It’s still unclear what causes rosacea, but researchers think genetics plays a role, as well as bacteria. It’s believed that sun exposure can lead to rosacea, and people with light coloring are most likely to get it. Generally, women between the ages of 30 and 50 are the most likely to have it.

Sun exposure may play a role in this skin condition. Sometimes sun damage can lead to the blood vessels on the face getting wider. This can make them more noticeable, leading to a red face. Wearing sunscreen and a wide-brimmed hat can help reduce the risk of rosacea flaring up.

Types of Rosacea

While there are many varieties of rosacea, there are four main types.

  • Ocular Rosacea: This type of rosacea causes problems in the eyes. They may become red or swollen.
  • Papulopustular Rosacea: This type of rosacea leads to acne-like breakouts, as well as swelling and redness.
  • Phymatous Rosacea: This type features a thickened, bumpy skin.
  • Erythematotelangiectatic Rosacea: In this type of rosacea, the skin turns red and flushes. Often, the blood vessels are visible.


Your dermatologist will diagnose your rosacea based on your symptoms. While redness is the most apparent symptom, there are a few other symptoms you may have, as well. These include dry patches on your skin, a feeling of burning in the skin, enlarged pores, or eye problems. The shape of your nose can even change in some cases because it can swell and become bulb-shaped.


It is vital to treat rosacea as soon as it appears on the face. If  it is not treated, it can worsen over time. While rosacea itself can’t actually be treated, its symptoms can be treated. This will help your face look less red. Your doctor may give you medication or suggest that you make a few changes to your lifestyle.


There are a few types of medications you might take for your rosacea.

  • Antibiotics: While rosacea is not caused by a bacterial infection, antibiotics can help reduce the inflammation associated with rosacea. Usually, they will give you a faster result than topical medications.
  • Topical Medications: This type of medication can help reduce skin inflammation. You can expect to apply these to your skin once or twice a day. You might use topical medications along with antibiotics.
  • Blephamide: If you are suffering from eye problems from rosacea, your doctor may prescribe this medication to you. These eye drops are used every day for three to seven days.
  • Isotretinoin: If nothing else has worked, you may need to take this powerful oral medication to inhibit excess oil production in your face. You should do your research before deciding to take this medication, as side effects can be severe.

Laser Surgery

If your blood vessels are evident, your doctor may recommend laser surgery. Your dermatologist will use intense rays of light to shrink the blood vessels down. This procedure can be somewhat painful, but you generally won’t need anesthetic.

Lifestyle Changes

Sun exposure and heat can trigger rosacea, so you should avoid the outdoors in the summertime, if possible. Cold weather also triggers it, so you should use a moisturizer in cold weather.

If you feel that the way you look is starting to affect your life or you are embarrassed to go out, talk to your doctor about seeing a counselor. 

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