National Healthy Skin Month: Tips for Healthy Skin

by | Nov 3, 2023 | Healthy Skin

Many of us don’t realize how important our skin is. Did you know that, as the largest organ of the body, it protects our bodies from getting attacked by bacteria and environmental hazards? Without it, there’s no way we can safely enjoy our daily activities.


All people will face skin troubles at some point in their lives. Acne, eczema, psoriasis, and skin cancer are some of the most common skin ailments that affect Americans. That’s why taking care of our skin is crucial.


If you haven’t been giving your skin the TLC it deserves, November is the time to do so. Because it’s National Healthy Skin Month, the focus is on skincare, sun protection, and self-assessment. Here are some tips to help you celebrate your skin all year round:

Manage Stress

Stress can affect your skin’s health more than you think. You’re more likely to break out when you’re stressed. It also triggers eczema and psoriasis flare-ups. You can lower your stress levels and keep your skin beautiful by getting seven to nine hours of sleep daily. It also helps to exercise regularly and get fresh air whenever you can.


Hydration is essential to healthy skin. By increasing your water intake, you’re improving your skin’s elasticity and warding off pesky fine lines and wrinkles. Water also helps protect your skin from harmful UV rays. When dehydrated, you have reduced defenses against sunburn and other UV damage. Lastly, water reduces the chances of breakouts and controls oil production. Something as simple as drinking water can greatly benefit your skin’s health and appearance.

Sun Protection

Skin cancer is not something to take lightly. One in five Americans will get skin cancer by 70 years old. And every hour, two people die from skin cancer in the US. Even those with darker complexions aren’t safe from this disease.

You can protect yourself by avoiding the midday sun, wearing protective clothing, and slathering on a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30. The rule of thumb is to reapply sunscreen every two hours.

Skin Examination

Self-examination is crucial to catching skin cancer. The earlier you treat it, the higher your chances of recovery are. When checking your skin, look out for changes in the color, shape, and size of existing spots and moles. Here are other signs to take note of:

  • Bleeding, crusty, or scaly spots or moles
  • Moles with irregular shapes or jagged borders
  • Sores that won’t heal
  • Moles that are painful when you touch them
  • Bumps that are pink, red, shiny, or translucent

People with oily skin think they don’t have to moisturize. But regardless of your skin type, moisturizing should be a part of your skincare routine. Moisturizing daily helps prevent extreme oiliness and dryness. Both conditions are harmful to the skin and can cause acne breakouts.

Moisturizing also encourages the production of collagen, slowing down the process of aging. In addition, existing fine lines, wrinkles, and imperfections will look less noticeable.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D supports healthy skin and bones and prevents illnesses like diabetes, cancer, and depression. The sun is one of the best sources of vitamin D. Spending 15 minutes a day in the sun can be enough to get the required dosage. It also helps to add seafood and fatty fish to your diet, consume more mushrooms, and take vitamin D supplements.

Seek Professional Help

If you have skin troubles or notice suspicious changes in your skin, consult a dermatologist as soon as possible. They’ll assess the situation and provide the best course of treatment. For more information, contact Complete Family Dermatology at (402) 423-1111.

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